
Showing posts from March, 2019

List of infection Malaria

Protozoal Infection Malaria Definition A parasitic infection in humans caused by plasmodium falciparum, p. Vivax, p. Oval and p. Malariae is called   Malaria . It is transmitted by bite of anapheles mosquito, which acts as a vector. The vector also acts as a reservoir of infection. The attack of malarial fever corresponds with the rupture of RBCs and release of merozoites in blood. The four species are indistinguishable from each other on examination of peripheral blood which is an important diagnostic tool. Epidemiology Mararia is endemic or sporadic throughout the tropics and subtropics. One hundred million people are attacked annually, of whom 1% die, mainly children. Woth effective WHO sponsored campaogns of prevention and comyrol, the invidence of malaria fell remarkably in 1950-60, but since 1970, there has been a resurgence of malaria. In 1980s, P. Falciparum became resistance to chloroquine over successive years in some areas especially in ea...

list of infections Giardiasis

GIARDIASIS Giardia lambia is an intestinal flagellate, produce small intestinal disease that varies from asymptomatic stage to diarrhoea and malabsorption. It is an important cause of traveller's diarrhoea, usually occurs on return from travel. Life cycle The infection is transmitted by ingestion of viable cysts of the parasite in food or water. Cysts are transported to yhe mouth by fingers as a result of contact with faeces. Clinical features Incubation period is 1-3 weeks. After incubation period, patient presents with diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weakness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. On examination, there is abdominal distension and tenderness. If the illness is prolonged, weight loss may occur. Chronic giardiasis can result in growth retardation in children. Diagnosis Stools obtained at 2-3 days intetvals should be examined for cysts and trophozoites. Negative stool examination does not rule out the diagnosis since the parasite may be ex...

list of infections 2019

Infection Protozoal Infection          Lyfe cycle of Entamoeba histolytica A disease caused by Entamoeba Histolytica is called amoebiasis. Type of Amoebiasis  Amoebiasis is two types 1-Intestinal Amoebiasis 2-Extraintestinal Amoebiasis Intestinal Amoebiasis Involvement of large gut by E. histolytica is called intestinal amoebiasis. Any part of colon may be involved but ileocaecal region and sigmoidorectal region are commonly involved. Transmission Transmission occurs via the faecal–oral route, either directly by person-to-person contact or indirectly by eating or drinking faecally contaminated food or water. clinical features It varies from asymptomatic cyst passer to acute amoebic dysentery. The incubation period varies from week to months or years. Acute amoebic dysentery manifests with fever, nausea, vomiting, pain in abdomen with 2-4 loose stools a day mixed with blood and mucus in...

list of infections 2019

Diseases due to infections Infection is caused by living microbes can involve any organ or system of body. Infections diseases are the commonest afflictions of human and are major source of morbidity in both developed and developing countries. The most important aspects of infection include: easy identifiability, sensitivity to antibiotics, communicability, transmission to other people leading to an epidemic and many infections are preventable either by hygienic measeres or by vaccines or by judicious use of drugs. Types of infection  Bacterial infection Protozoal infection Viral infection Spirochaetal infection Rickettsial infection Nematode (helminthic) infection Cestode infection Trematode ( fluke ) infection  Systemic fungal infecton 1- Bacterial Infectio Infection by gram-positive cocci e.g. staphylococcal, streptococcal Infrction by gram-negative cocci e.g. meningococcal, gonococcal Infection by Gram-positive bacilli e.g. corynrbacterium...