list of infections Giardiasis


Giardia lambia is an intestinal flagellate, produce small intestinal disease that varies from asymptomatic stage to diarrhoea and malabsorption. It is an important cause of traveller's diarrhoea, usually occurs on return from travel.

Life cycle

The infection is transmitted by ingestion of viable cysts of the parasite in food or water. Cysts are transported to yhe mouth by fingers as a result of contact with faeces.

Clinical features

Incubation period is 1-3 weeks. After incubation period, patient presents with diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weakness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. On examination, there is abdominal distension and tenderness. If the illness is prolonged, weight loss may occur. Chronic giardiasis can result in growth retardation in children.


Stools obtained at 2-3 days intetvals should be examined for cysts and trophozoites. Negative stool examination does not rule out the diagnosis since the parasite may be excreted at irregular intervals. The parasite can be seen in higher percentage of cases in duodenal and jejunal aspirate.
The jejual biopay examination may show giardia on the epithelial surface. Raised specific antigiardia IgG and, in ccute infections, IgM antibodies are found.


Metronidazole 2g once daily for 3 days or 400 of metronidazole 8- hourly for 10 days or a single dose of 2g of tinidazole is sufficient to cire the majority of cases.
Sometimes, a second or third course may be required.
Alternative drugs are mepacrine and albendazole.


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