
Showing posts from April, 2021


  Syphilis It is classified sexually transmitted disease. It is a chronic systemic infection caused by Treponema pallidum. The incubation period is 2-4 weeks.  It runs a long course interspersed with stages of florid clinical features and long periods of latency. It may be congenital ( transmitted by the mother with early acquired syphilis to the foetus) or acquired during life by sexual contact.  High Risk Persons Men in age group of 28-35 years Women in age group of 16-25 years Travellers Sailors, sadhus, saints Prostitutes and homosexuals Army service personnel Entertainers Modes of Transmission Sexual contact including oral sex Nonsexual contact, e.g. violent kiss Transfusion of blood or its products Transplacental-- mother to foetus causing congenital syphilis Classification of syphilis Congenital syphilis Early  Late Acquired syphilis 1- Early  (a) Primary syphilis (b) secndary syphilis 2- Latent (WHO)  (a) Early ( less than 1 year)  (b) Late ( m...

Acute Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis

  Acute Pharyngitis / Tonsillitis This is usually a viral infection of throat by adenovirus group but one-third patients may have bacterial infection by haemolytic streptococci.  Viral pharyngitis occurs in epidemic forms in which sore throat is common, characterised by acute tonsillitis ( tonsils are  enlarged, inflammed and red ) and inflammation of oropharynx and palate.  Within a few days, the tonsillar lymph nodes enlarge and produce swellings in the neck.  Occasionally, epidemics of viral pharyngitis (adenovirus serotypes) may occur in schools in summer months characterised by fever, sore throat, conjunctivitis and lymphadenitis.  It is a self-limiting illness and requires only symptomatic treatment.  Bacterial sore throat may produce fever in which tonsils are enlarged and contain necrotic foci which, if not treated with antibiotics, may led to quinsy ( abscess formation ). The treatment of choice include amoxicillin or cefaclor or erythromycin....


  Rhinitis It is characterised by attacks of sneezing, running nose and nasal blockade on most of the days. Attacks may occur during limited period of the year ( seasonal rhinitis) or throughout the year ( perennial rhinitis) .  Seasonal rhinitis ( Hay fever)  It is common cause of allergic disorder and worldwide in distribution. Prevalence is common in young age. Watery nasal discharg, sneezing and nasal irritation are troublesome symptoms. Attacks are common during pollination of plants the give rise to high pollen counts which act as precipitant allergens. Since pollination differs from country to country, hence, attacks occur during different periods in different countries.  Perennial rhinitis Rhinitis occurs throughout the year, most of the time. It is characterised by sneezing, running nose and nasal blockade. These patients may have anosmia ( loss of smell) and loss of taste. Sinusitic and nasal polyps are common.  It is prevalent in २nd and 3rd decades...