Syphilis It is classified sexually transmitted disease. It is a chronic systemic infection caused by Treponema pallidum. The incubation period is 2-4 weeks. It runs a long course interspersed with stages of florid clinical features and long periods of latency. It may be congenital ( transmitted by the mother with early acquired syphilis to the foetus) or acquired during life by sexual contact. High Risk Persons Men in age group of 28-35 years Women in age group of 16-25 years Travellers Sailors, sadhus, saints Prostitutes and homosexuals Army service personnel Entertainers Modes of Transmission Sexual contact including oral sex Nonsexual contact, e.g. violent kiss Transfusion of blood or its products Transplacental-- mother to foetus causing congenital syphilis Classification of syphilis Congenital syphilis Early Late Acquired syphilis 1- Early (a) Primary syphilis (b) secndary syphilis 2- Latent (WHO) (a) Early ( less than 1 year) (b) Late ( m...