

It is characterised by attacks of sneezing, running nose and nasal blockade on most of the days. Attacks may occur during limited period of the year ( seasonal rhinitis) or throughout the year ( perennial rhinitis)

Seasonal rhinitis ( Hay fever) 

It is common cause of allergic disorder and worldwide in distribution. Prevalence is common in young age. Watery nasal discharg, sneezing and nasal irritation are troublesome symptoms. Attacks are common during pollination of plants the give rise to high pollen counts which act as precipitant allergens. Since pollination differs from country to country, hence, attacks occur during different periods in different countries. 

Perennial rhinitis

Rhinitis occurs throughout the year, most of the time. It is characterised by sneezing, running nose and nasal blockade. These patients may have anosmia ( loss of smell) and loss of taste. Sinusitic and nasal polyps are common. 
It is prevalent in २nd and 3rd decades  of life and attacks increase with increase in age. 

1- Perennial allergic rhinitis. 
2- Perennial non-allrtgic rhinitis. 
3- Vasomotor rhinitis. 
4- Nasal polyps. 


Allergic rhinitis develops as a result of interactions between the inhaled allergen and IgE antibody present on the surface of the mast cells and eosinophils found in large numbers in nasal secretion and within nasal epithelium. 
Release of mediators, such as histamine causes mucus production and vasodilatation, results in sneezing followed by nasal discharge and eventually nasal obstruction. The other mrdiators such as leukotrienes, vasodilators, prostaglandins, other chemotactic factors take part in producing allergic reaction and nasal blockade. 

Diagnosis and investigations

1-skin prick test for wheal and flare response with allergen

A positive skin test with allergen in patients of rhinitis indication allergic rhinitis, but it does not mean that this allergen is the cause of respiratory illness, if associated. 

2- RAST test

It is specific serum IgE antibody against the particular allergen, gives the same information as described above. 

3- Blood test

For eosinophilia. 


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