It is classified sexually transmitted disease. It is a chronic systemic infection caused by Treponema pallidum. The incubation period is 2-4 weeks.
It runs a long course interspersed with stages of florid clinical features and long periods of latency. It may be congenital ( transmitted by the mother with early acquired syphilis to the foetus) or acquired during life by sexual contact.
High Risk Persons
- Men in age group of 28-35 years
- Women in age group of 16-25 years
- Travellers
- Sailors, sadhus, saints
- Prostitutes and homosexuals
- Army service personnel
- Entertainers
Modes of Transmission
- Sexual contact including oral sex
- Nonsexual contact, e.g. violent kiss
- Transfusion of blood or its products
- Transplacental-- mother to foetus causing congenital syphilis
Classification of syphilis
Congenital syphilis
Acquired syphilis
1- Early
(a) Primary syphilis
(b) secndary syphilis
2- Latent (WHO)
(a) Early ( less than 1 year)
(b) Late ( more than 1 year)
3- Late
(a) Tertiary ( benign gummatous)
(b) Quarternary ( cardiovascular and neurosyphilis )
Benign gummatous
Cardiovascular and neurosyphilis
Very good